An interactive guide to writing checks correctly
Write today's date in MM/DD/YYYY format in the upper right corner. Never post-date a check unless specifically agreed upon.
Write the full name of the person or business you're paying on the "Pay to the Order of" line. Avoid abbreviations and write clearly.
Look for the box on the right side of the check, near the date. Write the amount using numbers, and always include cents even for whole dollar amounts. For example, write $25 as $25.00, or $847 as $847.00. For amounts with cents like $1,456.78, write it exactly as shown.
Write out the dollar amount in words on this line, followed by the word "and" then the cents amount over 100. Start at the far left of the line and draw a line after the amount to prevent alterations.
Write a note in the memo line to remind yourself of the payment's purpose. This is optional but helpful for record-keeping.
Sign your name on the signature line at the bottom right. Use the same signature that's on file with your bank.
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